Ostrovul Preasna Veche, râul Mostiştea
Preasna Veche islet, Mostistea river
Pauză de zbor la Brastavăţu
Flight break at Brastavăţu
Tell-ul Gumelniţa, lângă Olteniţa (jud. Călăraşi)
Gumelnita Tell, near Olteniţa
Șantier arheologic - Bucșani
Archaeological site - Bucșani
Tumulul de la Vânători
Vânători       tomb         
Fotografie aeriana Mostistea (1977)
Mostistea Valley aerial photo


Aviation Museum (Bucharest)

Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum (Bucharest)

Teleorman County Museum (Alexandria)

Boian Plain Museum (Drăgănești-Olt)

Ostrovit S.A.

Caro Hotel

Aerial Archaeology. In Romania and in Europe

Arheologie aeriană. În România și Europa [Aerial Archaeology.  In Romania and in Europe]

By Rog Palmer, Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Carmen Bem

cIMeC – The Institute for Cultural Memory


cIMeC – The Institute for Cultural Memory is a public institution established in 1978 as a national organization for the cultural heritage digital record.


The main mission of the institute is to investigate, develop and make use of the information and communication technology in the field of cultural heritage.


cIMeC is a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums),

SIBMAS (International Association of Libraries, Museums and Performing Arts),

ELAG (European Library Automation Group),

HEREIN (European Heritage Network)

and EPOCH European Network of Excellence for Open Cultural Heritage



...more about cIMeC
